I was only 8 or 9 when I pressed play on a cassette tape and gazed up at a bright computer screen for the very first time. I typed in the command “LOAD “*”,8,1”, waited for my cassette tape to load and after a few short minutes I watched the Ghostbusters logo fly across the screen. Seconds later I was controlling the Ecto-1 on my C64 with the joystick firmly grasped in my hand, my eyes never once left the screen.
Years later I was the first kid on the street with a 2400kps modem; waiting for the ‘dings’ to finish, finally I was online! I taught myself to navigate the bulletin board and played Lemonade, one of the first text adventure games where virtual weather etc affected and changed the number of glasses I sold. From here I discovered how much I enjoyed spending hours reading about the topics I was interested in, such as new technology, using the primitive forums and social networks.
6 months later I’m sitting in computer class, bored from touch typing “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” over and over when I suddenly think of something much more entertaining to do… 30 seconds later a hand firmly grips my shoulder. Every computer at school was now flashing the message “The Master Waz Here”, and every computer now needed to be rebooted!
I was called into the principal’s office and as he looked at me sternly, I thought my fate was sealed, but to my surprise he asked “do you think you could come up with a program where we could create report cards quicker?” I told him I had no idea but by the next day I had begun researching how to make it happen via online communities and forums.
When I was growing up computers were just starting to enable us to communicate with like-minded people. There I spent my time asking questions and sharing ideas with people I had never met before in real life.
I guess the real message I am imparting through this Top Tip is to tell you to be social… just get started, find something that really motivates you and join a forum related to a topic or industry you love. And remember, never be afraid to ask for help and to learn from those around you. I owe my education and knowledge to letting go of the fear of doing that. And hey, maybe you can help out others in turn along the way; we all have a unique insight that can bring value to others in one way or another.
Pshhhkkkkkkrrrrkakingkakingkakingtshchchchchchchchcch*ding*ding*ding*… I’ll never forget that sound my modem made every time I connected to the people who shared their hints and ideas with me online, and who I could also help in return.