Happy New Year to all of you and from everyone at The Social Adviser, we wish you all the best for a happy and successful 2013!
Following on from last week’s article about measuring how many people are opening your regular updates, today we move towards structuring the content of your newsletter.
Many newsletters in the Financial Advice world often come with articles as an attachment, or all of the content included in the body of the newsletter. Not only can this be overwhelming for your clients to digest, but it makes it difficult to measure what your clients are reading (and what they are not reading!).
So why not structure your newsletter as a series of links to articles? This has a number of benefits, including;
Your newsletter will look cleaner (and more inviting).
Using email software, you can measure which articles are being clicked on. This will help you decide what style or content of articles to write or post in future newsletters and will allow you to have more targeted conversations with your clients. For example, if you know a client clicked on an article about Estate Planning, this can become a topic of discussion at your next review.
You have invested a lot of time and money in your website, so utilise it more! By hosting your articles there, you are directing clients to your website and establishing this as the information and educational hub of your business.
Ultimately, it is all comes backtesting and measuring your Marketing efforts. Providing some rigour and structure around what you do will not only improve your ROI over time but will mean that in the future, clients will begin to see more of the newsletter content that they want to read.