What are you really striving for?
I know it’s a tough one, and the answers could be endless, but have you really ever seriously asked yourself this question? I mean seriously.
On a surface level I can already hear the thoughts that may be running through your head… things in relation to accomplishment, money, security, power, status, the best shoe collection in the southern hemisphere. We can get so caught up in our busy autopilot schedules that digging deeper and thinking past these surface level wants is something we don’t have (or should I say make) time for. Or is it because it can be challenging to really get to the heart of what we are striving for? Are we afraid of ‘looking in’ so we put it in the ‘too hard basket’ for another day and continue treading that mousewheel for the brief satisfaction of obtaining those new season sandals?!
Now let’s reflect on those initial thoughts you may have had in answer to the original question. Were they about you or something that benefits you, or were they of a more gracious nature? When you get to the end of your days what would you really like to be remembered as striving for? Unless you are Elvis or Dorothy, noone will remember your shoes.
Unfortunately (and from a young age) most of us are programmed with the idea that there is a destination to be reached, with less stock placed on the experience of the journey and it’s many valuable elements, especially the opportunity of giving value to others. Just get that house, find that perfect wo/man, buy that new car, get that promotion, take that holiday, and so on. The rest of the time you are just waiting ‘to get’, but often at the expense of time you could be spending striving ‘to give’.
Well wake up because I’ve got news for you! Every second of your life is a destination; every second counts. You are here right now, you are not waiting for something. You are constantly arriving, and with the application of purpose and resolve, you will be striving. I guess this takes us back to the original question and whether or not the choices you make in each moment are contributing to what you truly value in life, beyond the surface level stuff. Are these choices making the world (or even your world) better off than before you arrived?
Now don’t get me wrong, it’s never going to be a constant stream of unicorns and rainbows, we all still have to accept the eternal paradox of doing what you have to do to get to do what you want to do. When you wholly accept this reality like a constant yet sometimes frustrating companion, you’ll never have a good reason to complain about the journey again; a reason to complain about life.
By being aware of your effect on the world in each small moment, rather than waiting for some other version of perceived happiness to arrive, these moments will combine into years which will eventually combine into a life which gives something of value to the world, whatever that means for you. Only then can you be truly fulfilled.
At the crux you are your own instruction book when it comes to this stuff, you get to pick and choose what becomes a part of ‘your book’, so while you are reading mine, here’s my unabashed tips on striving for life (do with it what you will):
- Actually care about your impact on ALL levels
- Inspire others, yet listen and learn from them too
- Smile and “give way” (not just in traffic)
- Let go of expectations yet uphold your own standards by example
- Quit whining, nuff said!
- Give more than you take and without expecting anything in return
- Appreciate what you have NOW and show / feel it
- When times are tough, accept that it’s a step that’s part of your journey
- Always look UP, your feet will find their way
- Provide yourself with enough space to be able to embrace silence and listen to your true self
- Accept that we are all different and unique; everyone deserves to be treated with fairness and empathy
- Share your positive energy with those around you (many of them probably need it!)
- Life shouldn’t be taken too seriously, every day can be an adventure if you choose it to be
- Take that holiday but not because you think you deserve it (shoes are optional)
So… what are you really striving for?